Breathing in asbestos can be very harmful, especially to your lungs.
Here are the main problems it can cause:
Asbestosis: This is a lung disease that scars your lung tissue. It makes it harder to breathe, and it’s often seen in people who worked with asbestos before it was regulated.
Pleural Plaques: These are scars on the lining of your lungs or chest wall. While they can cause breathing problems, they’re usually not as serious as asbestosis.
Cancer: Asbestos can lead to two types of cancer:
Lung cancer: This is a common type of cancer that can be caused by smoking and asbestos exposure.
Mesothelioma: This is a rare but deadly cancer that affects the lining of the lungs or abdomen. It’s almost always caused by asbestos exposure.
The table below describes probability of asbestos exposure by military occupational specialty (MOS):
MOS Code | Job Title | Probability of Exposure |
AA | Airman Apprentice | Minimal |
ABE | Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Launch & Rec Equip) | Probable |
ABF | Aviation Boatswain’s Mate | Probable |
ABH | Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Aircraft Handler) | Probable |
AC | Air Traffic Controller | Minimal |
ACM | Aviation Chief Metalsmith | Probable |
ADJ | Aviation Machinist’s Mate (Jet Engine Mechanic) | Probable |
ADR | Aviation Machinist’s Mate | Probable |
AE | Aviation Electrician’s Mate | Probable |
AFCM | Aircraft Maintenanceman (Master Chief) | Minimal |
AG | Aerographer’s Mate | Minimal |
AK | Aviation Storekeeper | Minimal |
AM | Aviation Structural Mechanic | Probable |
AME | Aviation Structural Mechanic (Safety Equipment) | Probable |
AMH | Aviation Structural Mechanic (Hydraulics) | Probable |
AMS | Aviation Structural Mechanic (Structural) | Probable |
AN | Airman | Minimal |
AO | Aviation Ordnanceman | Minimal |
AQ | Aviation Fire Control Technician | Highly Probable |
AR | Airman Recruit | Minimal |
ARM | Aviation Radioman | Probable |
AS | Aviation Support Equipment Technician | Probable |
AT | Aviation Electronic Technician | Probable |
AW | Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Operator | Probable |
AX | Aviation Antisub Warfare Technician | Probable |
AZ | Aviation Maintenance Administrationman | Minimal |
B | Boilermaker (WWII) | Highly Probable |
BU | Builder | Probable |
BM | Boatswain’s Mate | Minimal |
BR | Boilermaker | Highly Probable |
BT | Boiler Technician | Highly Probable |
CD | Construction Driver | Probable |
CE | Construction Electrician | Probable |
CM | Construction Mechanic | Minimal |
CN | Constructionman | Probable |
Cox | Coxswain | Minimal |
CS | Commissaryman | Minimal |
CT | Communication Technician | Minimal |
CTR | Cryptologic Technician (Collections) | Minimal |
DC | Damage Controlman | Minimal |
DK | Disbursing Clerk | Minimal |
DP | Data Processing Technician | Minimal |
DS | Data System Technician | Minimal |
DT | Dental Technician | Minimal |
EM | Electrician’s Mate | Probable |
EN | Engineman | Probable |
EO | Equipment Operator | Minimal |
ET | Electronics Technician | Probable |
FC | Fire Controlman | Highly Probable |
FN | Fireman | Highly Probable |
FP | Pipefitter | Highly Probable |
FT | Fire Control Technician | Highly Probable |
FTG | Fire Control Technician (Guns) | Highly Probable |
GM | Gunner’s Mate | Minimal |
GSM | Gas Turbine System Technician (Mechanical) | Probable |
HC | Hospital Corpsman | Minimal |
HN | Hospitalman | Minimal |
HT | Hull Maintenance Technician | Highly Probable |
IC | Interior Communication Technician | Probable |
IM | Instrumentman | Highly Probable |
LI | Lithographer | Minimal |
M(ME) | Metalsmith | Minimal |
MA | Master-At-Arms | Minimal |
MLC | Molder | Probable |
MM | Machinist Mate | Probable |
MN | Mineman | Minimal |
MOMM | Motor Machinist Mate | Probable |
MR | Machinery Repairman | Minimal |
MS | Mess Management Specialist | Minimal |
MT | Missile Technician | Probable |
MU | Musician | Minimal |
NC | Navy Counselor | Minimal |
OM | Opticalman | Minimal |
OSPC | Operations Specialist | Minimal |
PC | Postal Clerk | Minimal |
PH | Photographer’s Mate | Minimal |
PHM | Pharmacist | Minimal |
PN | Personnelman | Minimal |
Prtr | Printer | Minimal |
PT | Photographic Intelligenceman | Minimal |
PTR | Painter | Probable |
QM | Quartermaster | Minimal |
RD | Radarman | Minimal |
RM | Radioman | Minimal |
RN | Radarman | Minimal |
SA | Seaman Apprentice | Minimal |
SC | Ship’s Cook | Minimal |
SD | Stewart | Minimal |
SF | Shipfitter | Minimal |
SFM | Shipfitter (Metal Smith) | Minimal |
SFP | Shipfitter (Pipefitter) | Minimal |
SH | Ship’s Serviceman | Minimal |
SK | Storekeeper | Minimal |
SM | Signalman | Minimal |
SN | Seaman | Minimal |
SO | Sonarman | Highly Probable |
SoM | Soundman | Highly Probable |
ST | Sonar Technician | Highly Probable |
STG/SOG | Sonar Technician (Surface) | Highly Probable |
STS | Sonar Technician (Submarine) | Highly Probable |
StM | Steward’s Mate | Minimal |
SW | Steelworker | Probable |
TA | Stewart Apprentice | Minimal |
TD | Trademan | Minimal |
TE | Teletype | Minimal |
TM | Torpedoman’s Mate | Probable |
TN | Stewardsman | Minimal |
UT | Utilitiesman | Highly Probable |
WT | Water Tender | Highly Probable |
Y | Yeoman | Minimal |
Please note that this list is not exclusive, and exposure may be otherwise demonstrated on a case-by-case basis.
Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and does not constitute financial or legal advice.